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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

moderate muslim? religion of peace?

Moderate muslim.
They do exist.
My research from a few different sources indicates that the purpose of islam is to spread islam across the earth.
Now according to history, even recent history of muslims, not everyone needs to actually convert to islam to have world peace. That's right!
Muslims and non-muslims live peacefully side by side throughout the centuries.
Of course there can be peaceful co-existence between muslims and non-muslims. Don't be silly!
Only, non-muslims are prohibited from building houses above muslims.
Non-muslims must pay a tax for simply being non-muslim. (jizya tax)
Peaceful coexistence demands that all non-muslims must submit to "second class" status.

Well there you go!
What's the problem?

Well, other than the fact that that's never going to happen, moderate muslims may also be required to submit to the same. If your moderation doesn't include the belief that islam should be spread by the "sword".
Do you think for a minute that the head cutting throwbacks will overlook a "muslim" who doesn't support them? Who doesn't support their methods and tactics? Of course not. After all, once islam is spread worldwide, it will become a contest as to which group worships allah the right way.
Through the many sayings and examples in the history of islam, here is one that struck me as very telling: My brother and I against my cousin. My cousin and I against my enemy. In other words, my cousin and I will put aside our differences to ally against a larger threat. (whatever it takes to spread islam around the world).
So, what happens after the main goal is accomplished? I guess it's back to fighting with the cousin. Taking that as a metaphor, then it's down to fighting over who worships allah the right way.
In the end there are no and will never be moderate muslims. (according to the radicals)

The Qur'an states clearly that those who go back from Islam are to be punished by death: "But if they turn renegades seize them and slay them wherever ye find them and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks. Al-Nisaa 4:89." Muhammad also said, as narrated by Al-Bukhari, "If somebody - a Muslim - discards his religion, kill him."

The Qur'an not only ordered the killing of those who embraced Islam and afterwards decided to renegade, but also commanded the followers to fight all nations until they either believe in it, pay the Jizya or face death:

    "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the last day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and his apostle nor acknowledge the religion of truth of the people of the Book (the Jews and the Christians) until they pay the Jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued. Surat At-Tauba 9:29"

And in the same Sura, verse 5, the Qur'an also states: "Fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem ..." (Bassam Darwich)

Religion of peace - ....

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