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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Political correctness

This post is a continuation from the patriotic song post.

What can be done to inject some more patriotism into our kids' childhood while they're at school? Maybe the music dept could write some songs to help teach kids to love their Country. Or at least that it's okay to. Leave out any God reference if that's the offending term.
Was someone "offended" at patriotic themes taught in schools? If that's true, then I'm offended that you're offended. Which one of us is right? Who will take on my case? The ACLU? Doubtful.

Political correctness (which is way out of control by the way) ends up being the voluntary surrendering of your freedom. When it's forced on you,it's not surrendering anymore is it? It's not voluntary anymore is it? I realize it's a razors edge at times. But let's make sure that that school policies are based on "laws" and not some sort of "voluntary" compliance that will make 1 person feel better while making the rest of us inconvenienced, uncomfortable, or miserable. Let's find out who's making the complaints, Find out why. Make them say it so they have to hear how ridiculous it sounds. Offer an alternative for them. In other words, decisions should be made based on documentation and not rumor. And that the person making the complaint is directly involved or effected and not just some busybody trying to make themselves feel good or important.

Political correctness is PHONY! It's a CANCER! A "never-satisfied" drug addiction. It knows no end because it hasn't yet has it?
Common sense, honesty, and respect are genuine! Positive emotions all day every day was never guaranteed when I came into this world. How about I counter all that child psychology that teaches to protect children's' self esteem by giving everyone a trophy and we don't want any child to ever feel bad, with the idea that the emotions little Sally is experiencing now are the ones she needs to deal with and learn from for future success. Negative emotions can be very self instructing regarding how to deal with future situations.
If someone steps up and claims to take offense at what would otherwise be normal cultural occurrences, well that can be "too bad", but nothing need be apologized for.

("well he never went to college so....he just doesn't get it.")
My response to you is: Because I never went to college, I KEPT IT!

Don't call it a 'Christmas play'. You can't say that. You have to call it a holiday play. It's not Christmas vacation anymore, it's winter break!
Separation of Church and State. Fine. That's where one can't tell the other what to or what not to do or say.
It's political correctness saying that. A passing reference to God or religion does not equal the school teaching about God or religion. A moment of silence isn't the end of the world for someone who doesn't believe in God.
Civil liberties. Fine. No one begrudges you your religious or social choices. Just simply opt out so the rest of us can enjoy our traditions and customs. And opting out doesn't mean that you weren't included. You opted out.
This is America! We have developed, invented or adopted traditions. This is what WE do. Who's looking out for us anymore??

I do realize there's more to it than me just writing. But maybe we can stop just saying "okay" to whatever the next PC thing is.
I'm standing up for us Americans. I'm stepping up to the line that continues it's approach. Hopefully, I can stop the advance of PC.
Are you with me?!
If you're sitting there thinking "wow! where did all that come from?" I assure you, it's not hatred. Quite the contrary, I love my country. I love my Country and I'm terrified of the Country my kids will have to grow up in.
The debt, the corruption, the socialization and nationalization of as much as possible and as fast as possible.
Don't be cowed by political correctness.


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