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Thursday, May 13, 2010

crisis created.

Rahm Emmanuel said (along with Hillary and others) that " never want to let a crisis go to gives you a chance to pass legislation that you would normally not be able to get through."
Who thinks like that?!
Why would someone think like that?!
Now, if there isn't sufficient crisis, crisis can be created. For instance, what about "class envy"?
How can you raise taxes on everyone and make the majority think it's only going to be for the "rich"? Just wait until whatever you earn is considered "rich". And what about the redistributive justification by saying it's a more "fair" philosophy? Fair to whom? Fair to the person who first makes a decision regarding their future? Fair to the person who then invests in an education, sacrifices time from earning, sacrifices time from or postponing family? All to then be stigmatized and demonized for earning more than those who do none of that. Cream rises to the top, and there is always more milk than cream.
People (in the milk category) who buy into that idea don't realize that it's the "rich" people who are now taxed oppressively to make you feel better.....except now, you're out of a job! The "rich" had to lay you off to preserve their own livelihood. And why shouldn't they? Can you think of a reason someone should put someone else's job over the survival of, for instance, a business that not only took considerable start up investment, but also all the investment of time and money to get to that point. Not to mention massive personal sacrifice made by the owner to grow to a point of creating jobs for others. Only to have it snatched away to make people whom they don't know and don't know them feel better.
What about racial tensions?
What about ....well maybe that's another post.

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