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Friday, June 4, 2010

American Exceptionalism

America is the best because we have the most to lose if we never defeated an enemy. On the flip side, we have the bright hope of (pure) freedom and individual liberty to gain (keep) at the other end of the conflict, from a victory.
We have the carrot and the stick.
See, there are two Americas. Left and Right. What the rest of the world sees and all they really have to go by is what the media shows them. Well what is that? Debauchery in prime time. As of this posting, I can count on one hand the number of "family" programs during prime time on the major networks. After that, you get into cable programming which can in most cases be far more risky. Even Cartoon network and Nickelodian have shows that my kids don't need to see.
The other thing that the rest of the world goes by is not only what the polititians have to say, but what left wing pundits have to say about what they say. Well what is that?
Harry Ried: "This war is lost"
Obama: "America at times has been ... arrogant."
I don't need to list all the quotes or I'll never get to the other side of this coin.

The other America is fighting tooth and nail to push back against what the President and media is saying.

The left worries about what the rest of the world thinks of us.
If we're so bad why don't they leave?
Why are so many people breaking to make it to America?

The right is waiting for a President who will look enemies in the eye and call them out.
Someone who can tell the criticizers outside this country that until they have freedom of press and speech, that they don't get to criticize.

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