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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Freedom isn't Free

How many times have you heard this one?
Used frequently as an excuse for war. Soldiers dead or dismembered. Well it's true.
The Soldier has chosen that line of work and it's always in the back of their head.
This, however, is not the only price for freedom. Blood, I mean. No, there is an equally high* price demanded of people who don't choose to enlist to protect this Nation.
Responsibility and education. That might boil down into "awareness" but that excludes necessary action.
What do I mean by that? I mean your vote. Your EDUCATED vote. That vote comes with the responsibility of educating yourself at this point.
The media has proven incompetent.
No I take that back. The media has proven to be an enemy of liberty.
I'm not aware of anyone who would knowingly vote for straight up socialism. Maybe generational welfare recipients. But other than that, individuals have pride. They would like to support themselves and their families on their own. Not to say that if they need a hand through a rough patch they wouldn't take it if it was available, but for the most part, A person would like to make his or her own way.
The problem I see is that people absorbed with making their own way use the mainstream media for their education and awareness of political candidates. The media expresses disdain and distaste for ANY Conservative candidate. Ridicule, slam, discredit, anything they can do to to taint your impression.
Try and notice it, not only in the news, but more subtle in the programming. Remember shows like "The West Wing"? Or the other bomb with Gina Davis as President? "Commander In Chief"? I don't remember the name. But I did notice while watching it, back when I first began to notice liberal agenda in programming, The policy discussion regarding handling of criminals. It was something to the effect that rehabilitation instead of incarceration is the manner in which that administration deals with criminals. I stopped watching.
In any case, the media actively pushes an agenda toward....well, it used to be liberalism, now it resembles a lot more like socialism.
Polls are used by the media not to report the news, but to 'create' news and nudge opinions as well as desensitize attitudes regarding liberal and socializing ideas.
I remember watching a 'round table' discussion on this topic where the argument was "What's wrong with socialism? We've had socialism for years in the form of police, fire, garbage collecting, and public schools."
Well, the trouble with public schools are almost self evident. But, the police and fire, well, there is a service trade-off for tax money collected. No one argued in that round table discussion the difference between tax money collected to pay for services, and tax money collected for redistribution. Otherwise known as
welfare. "e n t i t l e m e n t s". What do we get in return for those taxes?
That's the difference.
Freedom isn't free.
Educate yourself by digging beyond what is spoon-fed to you by the main-stream media.

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