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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Demographics v Collectivism

Try to determine the time in your life when you went from craving individuality for yourself, to wanting collectivism.
Think back when young people (in your own awareness) would dress outrageous or pierce various parts of their body, or begin different behaviors trying to "find their place".
Now, however, let me nudge your awareness to notice the fact that everyone must think the same way or risk some sort of public humiliation. Oh sure, you can still dress weird or have unique behaviors, but your thought process....your thinking
must be in a certain direction.
I bring you "Man made global warming". I bring you "green jobs". I bring you the Prius. I bring you the "evil rich". I bring you any progressive idea.
I bring you Barak Obama "...our individual salvation depends on our collective salvation..." I bring you Hillary Clinton "It takes a village". I bring you any "progressive". Everyone must be on board for this idea to work. That's why it will never work. The human spirit yearns for freedom. Even in Iran there are millions in the street to protest rigged elections. They yearn for freedom.
What the whole idea is centered around is power. Power over the "masses". Me? I'm not like that. That's why I don't understand why some seem to "crave" it. I don't want power over you, Neither do I want you to have power over me. I want to choose what and to whom I give my power to.
The way I see it, the collective concept starts with the grouping of individuals.
Now, with sales, demographics is a valuable way to effectively market your product. No one who has developed a product or service doesn't ask the question of: who will most likely buy what I'm selling? Whether it's polling, surveys, focus groups or just plain common sense. The fact is that, if there is a group which will most likely buy more of what your selling, that's where your advertising dollars will be most effective. At least until your product is established within that market. Then maybe a few dollars to try to attract a slightly different market. This is all wonderful and wholesome. When it comes to demographics used in politics, it turns nasty. It turns almost nefarious when folks are shoved into a certain category that can then be pitted against another group. Each group is then turned into a victim that candidate X can then exploit. Each group is made to believe that candidate X is going to solve whatever problem was created that placed them in that category to begin with.
There are categories, and sub categories, and sub-sub categories. Think of it this way: Try to come up with as many dfferent groups there are in the category of "minorities". Once you get through all of the "hyphinations" (hyphinated Americans)you then get into where they live and how much money they make. So see? there can be a never-ending list of categories for politicians to shove individuals into.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent on polling data, survey data, and the one that is the most distasteful for me, the "focus group". I don't know why I find this method so distasteful. Perhaps because I can now recognize what is commonly known as "the talking point". The speeches, phrasing, terminology, and even the order of words comes out of the focus group. The result is a sanitized phony pile of words and phrases strung together designed to weave in, out, and around the offending words and ideas that the focus group directed.
If you notice whenever an election approaches, the news becomes saturated with polling data. That's fine I guess, but what I notice is that they always seem to mention color, or race, or ethnicity. Once individuals allow themselves to be placed into some sort of "group", then the different groups can be pitted against each other. Don't give away your individuality. Don't participate. The Obama administration is a constant stream of pitting the blacks against whites, Latinos against whites, in overt ways as well as subtle. This is how he will stay in power.Then there's the class warfare, where the "poor" are instructed to despise the "rich". This is how he redistributes "wealth".
Don't play. Don't participate. Keep your individuality.
Collectivism or socialism is not new. All throughout history socialism has been tried and it inevitably ends up in despotism. Now, I've heard some of the weak liberal arguements for socialism in America. They (liberals) will argue that socialism has existed in America for a long time in the form of police and fire departments, libraries and other public funded establishments like government schools etc.
Well that's fine and no one doesn't want there to be no firemen when there's a fire needing to be put out. But that exactly is my point! They perform a service!
These "socialist" establishments perform a service! There is a return for what you pay in taxes to support these entities. The purpose of these "socialist" organizations is NOT to redistribute wealth!!!
Even the Native American, or the American Indians lived under different systems of socialism and that worked for them. The difference is that there was no concept of "private property" in their ideaological paradigm. And! The system was used primarily for survival and not to redistribute wealth! We live in a "civil society" We need laws and regulation only to the degree that it does not harm others, or take away their liberty, or hinder them in their pursuit of happiness.

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