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Saturday, May 21, 2011

The ring in the nose

The Ring in the Nose

The days of Politicians being able to control the direction of "American thinking" seems to be over. Our glorious electorate of antibodies is waking up and answering the call to service. Liberty through education of what’s been going on in our government is inspirational, waking more people up to the cause of liberty. Awareness to the corruption in our own government who, at the same time, speak of American values and American Ideals, is motivating hundreds of thousands - even millions of American patriots.
Awareness. What is seen cannot be unseen.
The growth of government is now properly seen as a cancer, and it is being surrounded by the antibody electorate, even as the big government types flounder and flail in a last gasp effort to hold onto their power. The proverbial ring has ripped out of our nose. We have a scar on our nose, but we'll have more of our freedom. Freedom isn't free and the burden can't fall on just our military. No ring in our nose, and we're doing just fine. Man can govern himself. Education is a necessary element that, before internet and new media allowed for the dumbing down of our information. We were at the mercy of whatever news we consumed.
More people now hear the President and other politicians say things like "...the American people want..." or "the American people don't want..." and now we say "Nooooo....the 'American people' don’t want to be told what we think or what we want..."
To me, this is the ultimate tribute to individual liberty.
More and more, these tactics are recognized for what they are...tactics! Right along with the Saul Alinsky 'Rules for Radicals' tactics, these political "steering phrases" fall into the category of "A tactic known is a tactic blown'
This kind of awakening and increased awareness delights me because it is the only way the people can hold their elective politik accountable. People are climbing out from under their rocks and agreeing with the idea that elections are no longer open to the highest bidder.
Unions will be the last to experience this awakening, as they're still able to rally members by exaggeration and omissions. For instance, union leaders, when speaking to their members, will tell them that any republican candidate will slash benefits to the point where your children will be denied a weekend and will end up in a sweatshop working for pennies...if at all. That's only if they live, because a missed checkup with the doctor means certain death for most of your children. Of course we know the missed appointment which causes certain death was missed to protest the fact that their co-pay was raised from $5 to $20. The kind of exaggerations that union leaders tell their people have ballooned into a caricature of itself, making it difficult to believe anyone buys it.
The omissions are simple facts like if there's no money, everyone loses their job. An example of this is Detroit. It's a ghost town in terms of production and producers. Producers voted with their feet against the unions.
Public unions are a glaring example of this as they don’t produce anything which creates wealth. The system is simply a redistribution. The reason people like Michael Moore say things like "The country is not broke....there's plenty of money." His vision is that of a finite amount that is divided to everybody and if someone has more, they took it from someone else. Nowhere in that philosophy is there any room for creation of wealth…no matter how hard an individual works. Public unions are in an unbalanced negotiation.

An unbalanced negotiation will always eventually unravel.

Luckily, the ring is out of our nose and the “steering phrases” no longer have the effect they once did.

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